Illness covers non traumatic conditions and is aimed at the non or junior paediatrician, or paediatric/ED nurse wanting to gain insights into all aspects of examining, investigating and managing acute illness in children. Injury covers all aspects of trauma and will be beneficial for those without emergency experience but who may face injury in children – this includes early specialty year grades in Emergency Medicine and all grades of paediatricians or advanced care practitioners or nurses.
This online course separates two distinct aspects of paediatric emergency care.
Illness covers non traumatic conditions and is aimed at the non or junior paediatrician, or paediatric/ED nurse wanting to gain insights into all aspects of examining, investigating and managing acute illness in children.
Injury covers all aspects of trauma and will be beneficial for those without emergency experience but who may face injury in children – this includes early specialty year grades in Emergency Medicine and all grades of paediatricians or advanced care practitioners or nurses.
Online course modules consist of:
• Resus essentials
• Respiratory essentials
• Cardiac essentials
• Neonatal essentials
• Gastrointestinal essentials
• Other illness essentials
• Critical appraisal essentials
• Illness – Q+A panels
• Limb essentials
• Head/neck essentials
• Trauma essentials
• Analgesia essentials
• Other injury essentials
• Injury – Q+A panels
DFTB Beyond Essentials is a follow up to DFTB Essentials which allows us to have a more advanced level of discussion. Where DFTB Essentials covered the core knowledge, DFTB Beyond Essentials takes a deeper dive. We have put together a programme covering key clinical questions we ask ourselves in PEM.
This analysis and discussion will help inform your decision making to deliver effective, evidence-based care.
We will consider the evidence base around questions such as:
This baby’s fever is because of their immunisations, right?
Lumps and bumps – leave, reduce or remove?
Should I stop this baby’s cow’s milk?
This analysis and discussion will help inform your decision making to deliver effective, evidence-based care.
An introduction to decision making
Henry Goldstein |
Playing the odds and understanding outcomes
Damian Roland |
When should I use intravenous therapy in this asthmatic child?
Ben Lawton |
Do I use high flow for this infant with bronchiolitis?
Andrew Tagg |
When do I need to contact the cardiologist for this child with chest pain?
Ari Horton |
“They had major heart surgery as a baby” – is that relevant now?
Ben Lawton |
The head injury guidelines say scan but the child is so well, do I really need to?
Nikki Abela |
Does this child with thoracolumbar pain after trauma have an underlying injury and how can I tell?
Tessa Davis |
Does a child with gastroenteritis ever need an intravenous line?
Damian Roland |
Lumps and bumps – leave, reduce or remove?
Ross Fisher |
Does this child have a simple allergy or is it actually anaphylaxis?
Andrew Tagg |
Should I stop this baby’s cow’s milk?
Ian Lewins |
Grab a cup of tea |
This baby’s fever is because of their immunisations, right?
Sonia Joseph |
Does this baby’s murmur need a cardiology review?
Jasmine Antoine |
Grab a cup of tea |
Does this child with a headache need a scan?
Dani Hall |
What kind of occult pathology should I be considering in a child with autism/PDD?
Henry Goldstein |
Grab a cup of tea |
Infectious Diseases
Do I really have to make this family wait to catch a wee from their well, febrile child?
Dani Hall |
Is this Kawasaki disease, a COVID inflammatory syndrome or something else?
Damian Roland |
Our Faculty
Dani Hall – Paediatric Emergency Physician |
Damian Roland – Paediatric Emergency Physician |
Becky Platt – Advanced Clinical Practitioner |
Ian Lewins – Paediatric Emergency Physician |
Tessa Davis – Paediatric Emergency Physician |
Ben Lawton – Paediatric Emergency Physician |
Andrew Tagg – Emergency Physician |
Henry Goldstein – Paediatric Advanced Trainee |
Nikki Abela – Emergency Medicine Consultant |
Ari Horton – Paediatric Cardiologist |
Jasmine Antoine – Neonatologist |
Sonia Joseph – Consultant Paediatrician |
Ross Fisher – Paediatric Surgeon |